Frozen II Comedy 21

  • Average Ratings=7,5 / 10
  • Jennifer Lee
  • Rating=105893 Vote
  • Kristen Bell
  • Director=Chris Buck

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Frozen ii music.


Jack's Pov I arrive at the kingdom and I was right. This was where I left little Elsie before. Well, I call her Elsie but her real name is Elsa. I go into the castle and enter a familiar window. I know that this window is going to lead me to Elsa's room. When I entered it, I did not see Elsa but instead, I see a woman with platinum blond hair and she wore light blue dress with a snowflake on the lower part. I gotta admit, she is beautiful. But I need to find little Elsie. Looks like this woman doesn't believe in me because she doesn't see me even though I'm just behind her. I just have to wait for this woman to leave so I could go with her. She might lead me to little Elsie. Elsa's Pov As I finished getting dressed, I feel a breeze coming from my open window. This breeze was calm. This is MY kind of breeze, a winter breeze. I brushed it off and closed my window and went out of my room and I see Anna with Kristoff "Sis, let's go, breakfast is ready, Kai and Gerda already prepared it. " Anna said and I nodded and we all went down. The food was good. Vegetable salad, warm chocolate milk and more. "Hey, guys! " I hear Olaf and Sven trotting towards us and they look at the food. "Can we have some? " Olaf asked me " Of course, Olaf. " I said and they grabbed some food and ate with us. Weird. A talking snowman named Olaf. I think this girl is the is the snow queen! Suddenly, they stood up and went to the courtyard and the woman with platinum blond hair stepped hard on the ground and it froze. Yep. It's snow queen of Arendelle. But I still can't find little Elsie! Where in the name of the Snow Queen is she? Then, the strawberry brown haired girl which is actually the platinum blond haired girl's sister headed towards her. "Elsa, can I get married in your ice palace? " the girl, what?! "Sure thing, Anna... " the woman replied. "OH MY SNOWMAN! IT'S HER! " I accidentally yelled at that and the two sisters gasped as they looked at me.

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Frozen ii reviews. Frozen iie. Frozen ii samantha. Frozen ii cast. Frozen ii dvd release date. Frozen ii river song. Frozen ii fire spirit. Frozen ii voices. Frozen ii (2019) trailer. Frozen ii logo. Frozen ii all is found. Frozen ii 3d. Frozen ii honest trailer. Frozen ii anna. Hey all, So I've been playing D&D for over a quarter century, much of it as a DM running effectively the same campaign, and campaign world, and every once in a while I see something I like enough to want to include a variation of it in my campaign. Call it popculture adoption. So with Frozen 2 having come out recently, I wanted to share the work I did after Frozen one came out back in 2013, to create something very Frozen - esque for a northern realm in my D&D campaign. So with that having been said, let me tell you about the Shattered Kingdom. Legend tells of the lands across the shining sea, far to the North. There lies the remains of a once prosperous Kingdom in the shadow of a great mountain visible even from the mainland. Its name has been lost to history, but the few people who have gone there and lived to return have taken to calling it the Shattered Kingdom, for the once great nation lies fallow and broken. They say that it is a land covered in an eternal winter, its buildings and lands howling with snowy winds and the sounds of laughter coming from the mountain. There is no respite from the cold save but for one place. A small area in the frozen bay, a place stilled from wind and fury, and at the center stands a statue made of ice, rumoured to be of the last Queen of the nation, hand raised as if trying to ward an evil. Few records have been found, but fragments of the diary of a servant boy of the Palace indicate that the Queen battled her sister, a powerful sorceress known as the Snow Queen. And that she lost. There are indications that the Snow Queen yet lives, her powers feeding the eternal winter and laired in her citadel of ice and snow High on the mountain. No one knows, for none have ever survived a trek up the mountain to find out. - Excerpt from Myths and Legends of Ardenmore, third edition @@@@@ There are three main story based locations in the Shattered Kingdom, with Arendelle having two sub locations. For all other parts of the kingdom and forests, use your discretion. Arendelle Castle, and Anna's Statue Upon arriving in Arendelle, the players will begin suffering from a regional effect, 'Eternal Winter', which emparts one point of damage per hour while outside the castle. This decreases to one damage per two hours if properly equipped for winter weather and cannot be further reduced or negated unless the PC's have full immunity to cold. The city is fairly generic, but if the players breach the Palace they have an opportunity to uncover some of the truth about Anna and the Snow Queen, including the latter's name, which reduces the difficulty of any negotiation check by 1 should the players try and speak with her in her fortress. In order to uncover the details they will have to succeed at a perception check (dc 13) in the main hallway to notice the portrait of Elsa's coronation, which will give them a chance to realise Anna was not the Queen when she was frozen. Additionally a DC 13 check in Anna's room will discover her diary, which will detail the events of Frozen from her perspective up to her departures to follow Elsa up the mountain. While in the city, and throughout Arendelle, the main enemies are wolves and Ice Golems (use the flesh golem template, reflavour abilities for ice theme). If they continue to explore the Palace they can find a locked door behind which is Olaf. If they do not attack him, he can be convinced to share the rest of the story which ends with Anna being turned to ice, Elsa failing to revive her and slaying Hans before fleeing back up the mountain. If the players investigate the statue of Anna, magic can be used to identify that her soul is still in the statue, indicating that she isn't dead. However nothing short of a wish spell can unfreeze her prior to confronting Elsa. note: despite already having encountered hostile weather and creatures, nothing will approach the stilled area around Anna, and none of the Golems save Olaf can be drawn into it North Mountain and the Great Ice Bridge Here the 'Eternal winter' effect gets worse, increasing to two damage per hour or 2 per two hours if properly equipped. Again this cannot be reduced further without full immunity. Players are mostly battling the elements here, but also more wolves and Golems (use the stone golem template, reflavoured for ice theme) and concludes with a boss battle against a powerful iron golem, aka Marshmallow. He should be adjusted for ice the same as other enemies, and be statted as a solo boss battle. If the players try and break past rather than defeating them and climb the ice - bridge, it's treated as difficult terrain and Marshmallow will try and destroy the bridge rather than let the players through. The castle of Ice Having defeated or escaped the Golems, the players now confront the Fortress of the Snow Queen. All floors are considered difficult terrain, regardless of winter gear. The 'Eternal Winter' effect is now 3 points of damage per 10 minutes and cannot be negated by any means. Inside the players are confronted by near constant mad laughter and endless statues of Anna and Elsa as kids and adults. Everything here emphasises that the Snow Queen has lost her marbles. They can explore the castle, but the only scripted event is the confrontation with the snow Queen. If they've uncovered enough to learn her name then a persuasion check if 15+ will stay her hand long enough to speak to her. If the players got the whole story from Olaf and drop his name it will startle her long enough to speak to her. DM's note: the death of her sister and years of isolation has driven her quite mad, however it is possible for players to convince her to surrender either through a very high persuasion check, or by informing her that Anna is still alive inside the statue, which reduces the check. If they fail, or at any point show belligerent behaviour as decided by the DM, Elsa will do battle. If the players decide to fight or if the conversation goes poorly, roll for initiative as normal, however inside the Palace Elsa cannot be surprised. Elsa should be statted as a Wild Magic Sorcerer of appropriate level for a boss battle, with all her powers reflavoured as ice powers. She is completely immune to any cold based effects and due to the extreme temperature, fire damage spells do half damage. In addition she has the following legendary actions. Reaction: deflect bolt. Much like in the movie her reflexes are fast enough to summon icy walls to defend her from ranged attacks. Once per turn as a reaction when she is hit with a ranged physical or magical attack she can deflect 1d6 damage, possibly negating all the damage done by the base damage dice. If she negates the base damage dice she takes no damage at all from stat or magic item modifiers. Howling Storm: once per turn she can summon a howling vortex of ice and snow around her. Roll an attack role against every enemy in the room, with appropriate damage. On a critical hit a players heart is frozen and they'll begin taking ongoing 10 cold damage per turn until the effect is saved. Raise Snowlem. Once per turn Elsa can raise a Snowlem to defend her. She can only ever have one active at a time, but it is statted lik e an ice themed Stone Golem. In addition, he'd throne room has a legendary action Deadly spikes: once per turn a giant stalactite falls from the ceiling trying to impale a PC. Dex save for half damage. If Elsa is killed, the great thaw begins and the castle will begin to crumble. There will be no more golem encounters and Olaf will be found destroyed upon returning to the Palace. Anna will be unfrozen and will thank the players offering them a minor boon for their effort, but while she is understanding of the situation, they still killed her sister and she orders them out of her kingdom. It will take Arendelle decades to recover. If Elsa is subdued but not killed, and brought to Anna she can be convinced Anna is still alive and begin the great thaw with a decent insight and arcana check from the players. Anna and Elsa are greatfull, and Anna offers the players a major boon and they can remain in Arendelle. She's not thrilled however that they beat Elsa into submission, but her gratitude outweighs her frustration. Elsa abdicates, and Arendelle swiftly recovers. If Elsa is convinced to help Anna without battle, then the players are hailed as heroes. They are offered the major boon and are always welcome to stay in the Palace going forward as honoured guests. Elsa takes the thrown and Arendelle quickly becomes a major power in the region again. @@@@ And that's it. My take on importing the first frozen movie into a D&D universe. Feedback and criticism is cheerfully accepted. I intentionally left things like stat blocks blank because the adventure is designed to he use able at a variety of levels.

Frozen ii songs with lyrics. As long as you don't compare it with the first Frozen, you will enjoy the movie. It's a good adventure!
But if your expecting it too be as good as the original (like many people who didn't like the movie) you will be disappointed. Frozen ii toys. Frozen ii piano. Frozen iine. Frozen iit. Frozen ii show yourself. Frozen ii scene. Frozen ii movie. Frozen ii ending. Frozen ii e.v. Frozen ii w. Frozen ii deleted scene. Frozen ii tickets. Frozen ii (2019. Frozen ii lost in the woods.

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